Quiet moments

This week on our blog: a daily preview from an article in our newest Mindfulness Workbook. In part 2: Why do we so often seem to be rushing our way through life? Journalist Caroline Buijs looks for ways to make time work for you. 

Here’s another reason why time always seems in short supply: as you get older, time seems to pass quicker. You already begin overestimating time at the age of 24. No wonder you sometimes run out of it. In his book Why Life Speeds Up As You Get Older, Douwe Draaisma, author and historian of psychology, features a beautiful quote from French biologist and surgeon Alexis Carrel (1873-1944): “Objective time, clock time, passes at an even rate, like a river through a valley. At the beginning of his life, man still runs briskly along the bank, more quickly than the river. At around midday, his speed is somewhat slower and he keeps pace with the river. Towards the evening, as he tires, the river flows faster and he falls behind. In the end, he stands still and goes to lie down beside a river that continues along its course at the same imperturbable rate at which it has been flowing all along.” Is it possible to do things differently? How do we stop ourselves from feeling rushed, how can we not have the feeling that time is scarce? It may sound obvious, but more and more research is now showing it really is crucial: Go offline frequently, incorporate moments of reflection into your life and take breaks.

The article ‘Quiet moments’ can be found in the Flow Mindfulness workbook.

Text Caroline Buijs Photography Getty Images