Drawing Tip from Ruby

Often, we put one of our favorite illustrators in the spotlight, and ask them to share a golden tip to help us get started with drawing. In this blog, it’s the turn of Ruby Taylor.

How do you like to work?
“I’m a hard worker, and prefer nothing more than to devote myself wholeheartedly to a project. However, I do also believe very much in relaxing. I find I’m so much more creative when I’m bursting with energy. And I’ve noticed that I’m at my best in the mornings, which is why I start working early and I keep my evenings free. I’m really happy when I can get up early and dive straight into a new project.” 

How would you describe your work?
“My illustrations are very playful. I like to incorporate a bit of humor or intrigue into each one. Color is an important aspect; I really enjoy putting the color palette together for each piece of work. Whenever I look at an illustration, I’m always happy with what I created.”

How did you become an illustrator?
“I grew up in Bristol, southwest England. It’s a very creative town, with lots of artists and beautiful graffiti everywhere. There are also plenty of lovely events held there. All of which certainly had an influence on me and inspired me to become an illustrator.”

What kind of materials do you use?
“Acrylic paint and ink, and I have a favorite pencil: Cretacolor Nero. It’s a kind of oily charcoal pencil which makes the most beautiful, deep black lines.”

What does your workplace look like?
“I share a studio in London with my friend, Dave. He cuts vinyl, so the studio’s shelves are laden with rolls of vinyl in all the colors of the rainbow. We’re real collectors, so the place is jam-packed with stuff – books, all sorts of things. But crowded spaces inspire me more than empty ones, so it works just fine for me.”

Got a golden drawing tip for us?
“Keep experimenting! When you just start out with drawing, you may think that you’re not doing so well, but it’s a process and development is important. The more you try and practice with a particular style, the better you will become. Of course it takes time, so keep trying and enjoy the process.”

Want to see more of Ruby Taylor’s work? She made her dream house for the Flow Book for Paper Lovers, and you can see her ‘How to’ illustration in Issue 12 of Flow Magazine. Or go to her website.