Contents for your bullet journal

bullet journal

Isn’t it lovely to have an empty bullet journal (like the Flow notebooks) just ready and waiting for you to organize and fill, so that every page reflects you and what you like?

But if you need a bit of inspiration for what to fill the pages with, here are some ideas: 

  • Water list

We’re supposed to drink around eight to ten glasses of water a day and this is especially important in the hot summer months. So why not make a page counting the amount of glasses you’ve imbibed? Then you know how many you still need to drink.

  • Bucket list

A page where you can write down all your wishes and goals. Those surf lessons that you want to take up (again), or a tour through the US.

  • Mood tracker

A bullet journal is a great place to keep track of how you feel on a daily basis. It’s also very helpful, as it gives a clear overview to what makes you happy and at which moments you don’t feel so good.

  • Books that you want to read

There are so many good books out there that sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees. So, it’s lovely to have a list of everything you still want to read. That way, you can easily refer to it next time you wander into a bookstore.

  • Book and film diary

Book aren’t the only things you can list in your bullet journal; films are a good one too. What’s more, not only is it nice to keep track of what you want to read and see, but also to write down your thoughts about the things that you have already read and seen. What did you think of the book or film? Who was your favorite character? What quote stuck in your mind? Why?

  • Recipes

Your bullet journal doesn’t only have to function as an agenda, diary and notebook: you can also use it for recipes. Write down your favorites so that you can always refer back to them. What’s also good: you can jot down the ingredients of a delicious dish you had at a restaurant or café and then recreate it later at home. You can also draw the recipes instead of writing them down.

  • Nice addresses

Set some pages aside to collect the addresses of your favorite coffee shops, stores and so on. You can write them down, stick in calling cards or receipts: the options are many. It’s also fun to try and organize them by city, so you can find them easily next time you’re in town.

* Want to order the bullet notebook seen in these photos here? You can find them on our web shop.