DIY: bag for goodies

Have you spotted our Paper Book for Food Lovers yet? In it you will also find a DIY for making a bag for goodies. To fill with cookies or candy, for example. This is how you make one. 

In the Paper Book for Food Lovers you will find illustrated A4 sized papers to make the bag with, but you can use any other paper of the same size. This is how you fold it.

  1. Fold the two short outer edges in toward the center so that they are touching.
  2. Stick the two edges together with some tape.
  3. Next, fold the bottom of the bag up, at approx. 3 cm.
  4. Open the seam.
  5. Fold the upper and lower sides toward each other, allowing for a slight overlap, and tape together.
  6. Ready!

bag for goodies