Drawing lessons from Lisa Congdon

On our wish list for next year (wish we had more time!):  The Online Drawing Course given by Lisa Congdon via Creativebug (as of 1 January). For this  Daily Drawing Challenge every day a new clip will be posted online in which Lisa shows you how to draw everyday objects, as well as beautiful objects found in nature, in different ways.

You’ve probably already seen Lisa’s work in Flow. She makes the kind of fun things that we like to use in the magazine. In addition to illustrating she is also great at hand-lettering. In Flow International issue 5, we made a little book about drawing letters and she gave us some tips. You can download that article here.

This course will take 31 days and Lisa will show you lots of ways to draw everyday objects in these clips. She’ll also show you that it’s okay for there to be little mistakes in your drawings; everything does not have to be perfect. Lisa made a clip with Creativebug about the course, you can view it below.

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You have to sign up  with Creativebug to take this course. It’s partly for free, please check the details yourself (you can take a subscription for $4.95 per month). Sign up via this link (The Daily Drawing Challenge will go online in late December.)