Weekend Project: ‘Office’ Folders

If you’re looking for something to do this weekend or while away a bit of time in a mindful creative way, why not make yourself some old-fashioned-style office folders to keep your papers in order?

Ingrid van Willenswaard, of the blog Ing-Things, has created this lovely (and very easy to boot) make-it-yourself for us. “This resembles an office folder that I once found in France,” says Ingrid. “It was such a beautiful old-fashioned design, with a marbled-paper cover. You can see a glimpse of the folder on the picture below; it’s the third from the bottom. I’ve used the folder for years: as I have stacks of drawings, I need to keep everything in folders so as to keep some sort of order!”

How to make the folder:

  • Take two pieces of card in your desired size. I made one in A4, and one in A5, but it can be any format you want.
  • The thicker pages from the Flow Book for Paper Lovers are perfect for this by the way. (This paper was designed by Jurianne Matter.)
  • You can stick a piece of cardboard to the paper too if you want – as I did with the larger folder.
  • Make the holes using a hole punch or simply by yourself, to your desired spacing.
  • Thread some ribbon or string through the holes. Be as creative as you like in what you use.


The good thing about these folders is that you can use as much paper as you like – even a large pile of it. And you can also fill them with other paperwork or papery things: but you have to admit, a folder full of drawings is much nicer than a folder full of admin.

I wish you lots of (tidying and stacking) fun!