How to make Jaune Mange

Regula Ysewijn is a big fan of British culture and cuisine. For her new book, she delved into the history of the pride of the British kitchen: puddings. You can read about it in issue 19. Below we share the recipe for Jaune Mange. 

This recipe uses seville orange juice, while others advise lemon and lemon peel. Later recipes by J.H. Walsh in The British Cookery Book (1864) instruct the cook to use sherry or ‘raisin wine’.

  • 400 ml (14 fl oz) mold
  • 220 ml (7½ fl oz) white wine
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 4 gelatine leaves
  • juice of 2 seville oranges

Bring the wine and sugar to a simmer. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks. Soak the gelatine leaves in the orange juice until soft. Begin whisking the warm wine mixture into the egg yolks, followed by the soaked gelatine and juice. Allow to cool but not set, then pour into the mold and allow to set for six hours or overnight. The smaller the mold, the shorter the setting time. To remove from the mold, wet one of your hands and use it to loosen the jelly. Allow the jelly to slide out onto a wet plate (if the plate is wet, you can easily move the jelly around if necessary).

  • You can find three other recipes in issue 19.

Recipes and photograpy Regula Ysewijn