How to organize a drawing night

They’re appearing all around the world: initiatives like Ladies Drawing Night and Social Sketch. Want to organize your own? We share some tips. 

  1. Invite some friends you would like to draw with. If it’s your first time, limit the guest list to a few people you feel comfortable with.
  2. Stock up on drinks and snacks. It doesn’t have to be too complicated.
  3. Lay out all the drawing supplies and share them with each other. This is a great way to try out a new paint or discover your new favorite pen.
  4. Choose a theme. Not only does it help you get started, it’s also interesting to see how others interpret a theme.
  5. Talk about your work as you draw. One of the best parts about a drawing night is hearing other people’s tips and opinions.
  6. At the end of the evening, lay all the drawings out on the table and discuss them. You’ll notice that you get better with every drawing night.
  • More about the Ladies Drawing Night can be found in Issue 22.

Text Jocelyn de Kwant Photography Kate Edwards