Podcast Jennifer

The American illustrator Jennifer Orkin Lewis deserves a place of honor in our Drawing Week. Not only does she share a drawing tip in the new Flow Sketchbook, she also illustrated the article about podcasts in Dutch Flow 3, and is our guest pinner this month on Pinterest. If you’re curious about how Jennifer works and how she discovered her style, then listen to the podcast by Monica Lee, from the American website Smart Creative Women.

These are the topics they discuss:

  • How Jennifer began her career and came about her pseudonym, August Wren.
  • How she used her Daily Sketchbook Project – in which she draws for 30 minutes every day – to discover and develop her styl.e
  • What materials she likes to work with (gouache is her favorite), and how she experiments with them.
  • How she also posts drawings on Instagram that didn’t come out so well.
  • How busy she is with her work (she would love to have a cook and some help around the house), and how she should in fact be taking better care of herself.

You can find more information about Jennifer on her website, and you can see her daily sketches on Instagram.

The Flow Sketchbook is now available to buy in stores and can be ordered from our web shop.


A quote Jennifer drew during one of her daily 30-minute sketch sessions.