Grandhotel Giessbach in Switzerland

We’re gathering the addresses of the best B&Bs, hotels and other overnight locations we can find. All of which, we feel, are great places to go for a weekend or a bit longer. Nestled up high on a hill above Lake Brienz amid a nature park and at the foot of the Giessbach Waterfall, the Grandhotel Giessbach is a secluded Swiss fairytale retreat that’s the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

What makes Grandhotel Giessbach a great place to stay?
Set in a stunning, secluded location, the Grandhotel Giessbach sits amid a 22-hectare nature park above Lake Brienz in Switzerland. The historic house, which dates back to 1874, offers up breath-taking views of the lake below, the surrounding mountains, forests and alpine meadows, as well as the nearby Giessbach Waterfall. The grandeur of the hotel inside, with its carefully-restored antique furniture and lavish décor, balances the splendour of the nature outside perfectly. Even the journey there is unforgettable: guests arrive via boat and are then taken up through the woods, over bridges and alongside waterfalls via a funicular that exudes the same romantic charm it has since it was first built in 1879. And when you’re not busy exploring the surrounding verdant Nature Park, you can also spend your time at their outdoor eco-pool or summer terrace.

What’s for breakfast?
Enjoy a broad Swiss buffet breakfast with a view of the Giessbach Waterfall.

Our tip
Book a room on the waterfall side, and you get to fall asleep to the sound of the cascading water. What’s more the falls are illuminated at night for a dramatic effect.

Good food
The hotel’s Parkrestaurant Les Cascades offers a classic, yet continually reinterpreted, cuisine. And as you can put your own four-course menu together, you won’t be disappointed.