Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam

We’re gathering the addresses of the best B&Bs, hotels and other overnight locations we can find. All of which, we feel, are great places to go for a weekend or a bit longer. At the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam, all 117 rooms are decorated in a different way, which means there’s plenty of choice.

What makes the Lloyd Hotel a great place to stay?
The Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy is the world’s first one to five star design hotel. You can sleep in a budget room with a shared bathroom, or in a super deluxe 5-star room. Each of the hotel’s 117 rooms are unique and co-designed by renowned Dutch designers, such as Richard Hutten, Claudy Jongstra, Joep van Lieshout and Christoph Seyferth. The common areas, like for example the in-house library and the Lloyd Botanical Garden, are also decorated unusually.

What’s for breakfast?
The breakfast buffet (€17,50 per person per day) includes, among other things, freshly-squeezed juices, coffee, tea, a diverse selection of breads and spreads, muffins, yoghurt, muesli, and fresh fruit.

Good Food
The Lloyd Restaurant uses organic meat, fish and vegetables and local produce in its dishes.

Prices range from a one-star room for €60 per night to a five-star room for €286 per night.
