Stunning Staircases

Silvio Zangarini - Diamantslijperij

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You wouldn’t really think to put “an Amsterdam staircase” and “special” together in the same sentence, but take one look at the pictures of photographer Silvio Zangarini, and you may well change your mind. The stairs featured in his shots are full of infinite details, unusual forms and rich embellishments. During a stay in the Netherlands, the Italian photographer fell in love with the decorated stairs he found in Amsterdam. And the wonderful thing is that he has managed to channel their beauty through his pictures so that you too can look upon them in awe.

An exhibition of Zangarini’s photographs, entitled “Stunning Staircases,” is being held at the Museum of the Canals in Amsterdam until June 21, 2015. It features staircases from Amsterdam mansions, including those of Huis van Brienen (House of Brienen), the Cromhouthuizen (two 17th century canalside buildings that were once the home of the wealthy Cromhout family and which now house the Biblical Museum), and the Diamond Cutters Union Building.

Silvio Zangarini - Witte Huis

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