A White Man’s World: representation on Wikipedia

Jessica Wade, troubled by the lack of female representation on Wikipedia, has made it her mission to change add the voices of women and other minorities to the website. 

Nowadays, the easiest way to research someone is to ask Mr. Wikipedia. And we say ‘Mr.’ as most of its profiles are about men, and most of its content is by men. Troubled by this, British physicist Jessica Wade has made it her mission to add biographies of females and other minorities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to Wikipedia daily. Because as Wade, an advocate of diversity and equality, aims to show: when it comes to STEM, it ain’t just a White Man’s World.

  • Read more from Jessica Wade on her Twitter, and Wikipedia.
  • Read more about the gender bias Wikipedia here.

Text Julia Gorodecky  Photography James L.W/Unsplash.com