Art on fruit stickers

fruit stickers

Those little stickers found on fruit: we take them off absent-mindedly while peeling the zest from an orange or before biting into a crunchy apple.

But these cute creations deserve a bit more attention that they’re given, which is why it’s worth visiting the Instagram ‘gallery’ @fruit_stickers, where you’ll find a wonderfully curated collection of these mini works of art.

The account is owned by Kelly Angood, who started it about four years ago. Before then, her interest in the little artworks started as a personal collection, as she just stuck the stickers in a notebook. “I’ve always been drawn to the design of everyday things — packaging, signage, that kind of thing. Fruit stickers were always just intriguing to me on a really basic level.”

Text Julia Gorodecky  Photography @fruit_stickers