Astrid & Irene: Guilty pleasures

In each issue of Flow, there’s a story that really resonates with us and sticks in our minds. In Issue 31, it’s the article about guilty pleasures, and why we should indulge in them. You know, the kind of activity you don’t like to admit to but you love so much. Because although it’s also true that we’re attending a philosophy course (Irene) and we’re reading lots and lots (Astrid), our lives wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t also sometimes satisfy our less intellectual whims. So, here they come:

  • Astrid: Watching documentaries about royalty, or find-your-dream-home shows 
on Netflix.
  • Irene: Watching Love Island, and waiting 
for the first person to be sent home.
  • Astrid: Reading celebrity gossip magazines. When I’m sick, I think it actually makes me better, too. It works more than an aspirin!
  • Irene: Napping during the day. I’ve actually been doing this all my life whenever possible. Even in my student days, it was my way to recharge—taking a short nap in between classes. Unfortunately, it’s not possible in the editorial office, but at home on the weekend, I always slip upstairs for a nap during the day. I tell the children that I am going to meditate, but I actually take a power nap.
  • Astrid: Eating ready-made boerenkoolstamppot (a classic Dutch winter dish made from mashed potato and kale and served with sausage) from the supermarket, sometimes even in the middle of summer. Of course, that’s a double no-no: Ready-made is questionable, especially when it comes from the supermarket, and then eating boerenkoolstamppot in the middle of summer is weird, too. But sometimes that’s just what 
I need.

What we enjoyed so much about the article is reading that we are, of course, not the only ones with a guilty pleasure, and that such activities actually serve an important purpose. Because we already have to meet so many expectations and follow so many rules in our daily lives, it’s good to have some things that are all about you. It is even scientifically proven that following your own instincts is more satisfying than doing what you ‘should’ do. So we’re looking forward to the new season of Love Island, juicy details of royal family lives, and all the stories in celebrity magazines about stars and their marital problems.

  • Read the story about guilty pleasures in Issue 31.

Photography Danique van Kesteren

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