Claire Ritchie’s passion for colors

claire ritchie

Claire Ritchie is an artist, designer and creator from Brisbane, Australia. In Issue 32 she tells us a bit more about her work, and her love for colorful art.

What are you up to?

I’ve just launched a small range of homewares that I designed and made myself. They are functional pieces that will bring a little splash of happiness to your space. Up until the end of last year, my focus was on clothing, but I decided to expand my creations with the edition of homewares.

Why is color so special to you?

I feel very drawn to it in all aspects of my life. Color is a way in which I can convey feelings and emotions. Funnily enough, I start drawing solely in black marker on paper as I can focus on the shape and balance of the piece that way. Then I add the color once I have digitalized the piece. The addition of the color can take minutes or weeks. It takes its own window of time, as it is an important aspect of bringing the piece together.

Do you have a favorite color?

Blue! I love how clear and focused it makes me feel. I used to love red a lot when I was younger; I felt very drawn to the intensity and passion in the color. And another one that has grown on me more recently is pink. I used to avoid it in my life as it annoyed me that pink is so strongly associated with being female. But now I love it together with blue, red or yellow.

  • Read the full interview with Claire and two other creatives in Issue 32.
  • Find out more about Claire and her work on her website or Instagram.