Eleanor Anderson: “My work is the thread that has guided me”

Eleanor Anderson (31) is an artist in Cleveland, Ohio, US. She tells us about what she’s doing.

What are you up to?

“I have a lot of exciting projects going on at the moment. I work in both textiles and ceramics; sometimes I’m designing an installation for a fine art gallery, sometimes I am making mugs. I weave, screen-print and draw, and the unifying link between my work is my love for color and pattern. I’m currently working with a New York-based company designing wallpaper and upholstery fabric. Also, I am teaching and giving surface design workshops.”

What do you like most about your work?

“When my work is going well, I feel like it becomes play and that brings me a lot of joy and satisfaction. I like discovering new ways to collaborate with the materials that I use, specifically when I discover how to connect a material in an interesting way. Clay and fiber present infinite possibilities for form, color, texture and building strategies.”

What’s your work schedule like?

“I like to have slow mornings and enjoy the ritual of choosing a handmade mug from the cabinet and making coffee. I spend some time on my computer and then head to the studio around 10 a.m.. Over the past few months, I’ve been holding evening workshops, so I head home around five to eat, and then come back to teach.”

How is life in Cleveland?

“I chose to live in Cleveland because of the community studio access, and I’m grateful to be part of two community studios where I can connect with other creatives on a daily basis. I’ve moved around the US quite a bit, following art opportunities. My work is the thread that has guided me and even when I don’t know where it is going, I try to trust that if I show up in the studio every day the next thing will present itself.”

How do you stay inspired?

“I love taking workshops and being a beginner at something. It eases the pressure, and I can usually find the spark of creative novelty in a new process. Sometimes if I’m feeling unmotivated, movies about exceptional athletes or mathematical geniuses really get me fired up to go back to the studio with energy and discipline.”

  • You can read about what Eleanor and others are up to in Issue 35.
  • You can visit Eleanor’s website here.

Text Jeanette Jonker