The painted signs of Archie Proudfoot

Archie Proudfoot

In every Flow, three creative people tell about their work and what inspires them. In Issue 31, Archie Proudfoot talks about his work as an artist and sign painter.

How did you become a sign painter?

“I’d fallen in love with the craft of it but didn’t believe it would be possible to ever make a living from just signs. I was steadily learning the skills required and, four and half years ago, I decided to commit fully. I hired a studio space and began making artwork there. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to have a constant flow of work that’s paid the bills and kept me creatively satisfied most of the time.”

What do you like most about 
your work?

“Lots of things, but I think I enjoy the unpredictability the most. Either from a really interesting commission coming along or in unintended or interesting results coming out of creating a new piece of personal work.”

Do you find your work challenging?

“Yes, often it is a physical challenge to complete work. Sign painting regularly involves holding some sort of stress position for several hours while concentrating intensely in an environment that can be very chaotic. Sometimes I have to spend hours up on a ladder on a busy London street trying to focus. That can take more out of you than you think!”

  • Read the full interview with Archie and two other creatives in Issue 31.

Text Jeannette Jonker

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