The philosopher: Seneca the Younger

In this new rubric, we take a look at a famous philosopher, the Flow way. In Issue 30 we take a look at Seneca the Younger (approx. 4 BC-AD 65). 

  1. Lucius Annaeus Seneca, also known simply as Seneca, was a Roman author, statesman and stoic philosopher, born into a wealthy family in Spain.
  2. He went to Rome at a young age to learn about rhetoric – the art of public speaking – but was mostly fascinated by the stoic philosophy, much to his father’s displeasure.
  3. He lived very austerely for a long time, and even considered committing suicide, ultimately deciding against it to spare his father’s sadness.
  4. The basic premise of stoicism is to try not to worry too much about things you have no control over. Instead, focus on your inner goals rather than the results; in other words, concentrate on your attitude and how you deal with events, things you do have control over.
  • You can read more about Seneca in Issue 30.

Text Caroline Buijs  Illustrations Deborah van der Schaaf

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