Tips for foraging


Journalist Alice van Essen took a foraging course, which you can read all about in Issue 29. She shares some useful tips with us.

  • Edible plants also grow by the roadside and between paving stones. Make sure that you do not pick too close to a busy highway. In addition, always pick one-and-a-half meters away from the roadside and above knee height whenever possible, because of dog urine and animal feces.
  • Do not pick more than you need — a handful at most — because animals also have to live from the plants. Leaving the forest with baskets full is equivalent to poaching in many places, and therefore illegal.
  • Mushroom gathering requires special knowledge. Many are poisonous, so always leave them alone.
  • If you’re not sure what plant it is, don’t pick it.
  • Pick with respect; do not tear off whole branches and do not trample too many plants.

*Curious how Alice enjoyed her first foraging experience? Read her story in Issue 29.

Text Alice van Essen  Translation Julia Gorodecky  Photography Ant Rozetsky/