Vintage summer photos

Vintage summer photos

In Issue 25 you will find four dividers, each with a vintage photo of four different famous women on holiday. Journalist Liddie Austin dug into their lives and wrote about what was going on in that particular summer.

Althought she didn’t speak a word of French, British actress Jane Birkin left for France in 1968 in order to act in a film. Her co-star was the French actor, poet and composer Serge Gainsbourg. The rest is history: she became his girlfriend and muse. Together they were the iconic bohemian couple. In the photograph Jane is sitting next to a slightly exotic-looking barbecue during a vacation with Serge, their daughter Charlotte, and Jane’s daughter from a previous relationship, Kate.

  • Read the summer stories of Marilyn Monroe, Jacky Kennedy and Sophia Loren in Issue 25.

Text Liddie Austin Photography Getty Images

Vintage summer photos


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