Women of Europe

In each issue of Flow Magazine, we ask three creative people: What are you up to?  In Issue 25, journalist Mariska Vermeulen tells about her project, Women of Europe.

What are you up to?

“When I wander through a new city on my own, I always ask myself: ‘Could I live here? Do the women here face the same issues we have in my hometown? What makes them happy?’ That’s how I came up with the idea to interview seven women in each European capital and to share their stories on my website, Women of Europe.”

“One of my favorite things is learning about other people and the differences between cultures. That’s why I like to go on vacation alone, because when you’re on your own you’re more observant, and you get talking to locals more easily.”

What’s been the most interesting story so far?

“I was particularly impressed by the fifteen-year-old girl from Warsaw, Poland, who has been struggling with depression from an early age and has created her own website as an online platform for fellow sufferers. But in fact, they’re all wonderful, there’s such honesty. As soon as they open up to you, everyone has a beautiful tale to tell.”

On WomenofEurope.eu you can find stories of women from London, Warschau and Paris, and Mariska recently interviewed women from Amsterdam, Lisboa and Rome, of which we can also expect the stories on her website soon. And what is her ultimate goal? “To complete my quest of all the 51 cities.”

  • Read more about Mariska Vermeulen and her website in Issue 25.
  • Read all the stories of women in European capitals on Womenofeurope.eu.

Text Eva Loesberg Photography Danique van Kesteren Styling Anne-Marie Rem Make-up Carmen Zomers @YvesRocher

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