Lucie Green tries to create a colorful and happy universe

Illustrator Lucie Green (25) lives in Toulouse, France. In issue 35 she tells us about her life and work. 

What are you up to?
At the moment, I’m working on a few projects. I am particularly excited about a postcards project with a women’s theme.

What are your favorite materials to work with?
Since my art studies, I have always worked the same way. I am very faithful to my Sakura Pigma Micron pens (nos. 01 & 02). For shapes and contrasts I use a simple thick black felt pen. Over time, my sketches have remained black and white. I guess it allows me to visualize the project better. For the last three years, I have also been using my tablet for illustrating. I have learned to use Illustrator accurately, which is my main creative software.

What do you like most about working for yourself?
To be able to work autonomously and at my own pace and to be able to organize my workday and projects as I wish. I like finding new inspiration by going to a museum or thumbing through books. That is always very motivating to me and it contributes to my professional equilibrium.

What drives you?
In my work, I try to create a universe that is colorful and happy, and that brings positivity and kindness. Making illustrations contributes to my wellbeing. I always try to push myself to do new things and to leave my comfort zone, although it is quite tough. Moving forward and developing myself continually is something I find very satisfying and motivating.

What does your working space look like?
It is small but cozy. I’m obsessed with plants and have lots of succulents and a plant (Calathea Orbifolia) around my desk. I also have a small library where I have different sketchbooks and graphic tools. A little cabinet helps me to keep tools such as gouaches, pencils and markers close, without cluttering my desk too much.

What do you like to do on a day off?
When I need to relax, I love painting with gouache, and visiting greenhouses and garden centers. Or I go to the city and wander around aimlessly and browse through the bookstores.

  • Visit Lucie’s website here.
  • Read more about what Lucie and others are up to in issue 35.

Text Jeanette Jonker Illustration Lucie Green