Issue 25 is here!

The new issue of Flow Magazine is here! And just to pique your curiosity, we’ve listed a few of things you’ll find inside.

  • The life lessons of vacations
    Your vacation is booked, and expectations are high. But things don’t always go as planned – in fact they can sometimes turn out very differently than you had hoped. But is that really such a disaster? Journalist Caroline Buijs looks at the lessons we can learn from a (bad) vacation.
  • Craft + activism
    ‘Domestic crafts’ are now making their way out onto the streets to convey a message that’s as pretty as it is powerful. Welcome to the world of craftivism.
  • From me to you
    Lisa Manuels is a master in gift-wrapping. Here, she shares her secrets and tips on how to pack a pretty present.
  • Granddad’s pics
    A forgotten box full of his grandfather’s snaps inspired Australian Dave Tomkins to plot a course and travel to the same places around the world to photograph them anew.
  • Flow extras: Gift wrap paper, illustrators’ card game.

Issue 25 is now available in selected bookstores and in our shop.

Issue 25