Majorie Knit

“At Majorie Knit I can do whatever I want, no one else has a say in the matter,” says Marjolein Rutgers. But we have something to say about her accessories’ shop: It’s beautiful!


Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?

“I am 29 years old and I grew up in Kamerik, a small village in the middle of the green heart of the Netherlands. Maybe that is where I got my love for natural materials from: I love wood, brass and cotton, for example. After completing the Utrecht School of Arts, I moved to Scheveningen, where I live with my boyfriend and two cats. I work as a graphic designer for a design company by day. I’m passionate about elaborately detailed designs, design in general, having a love for one’s craft, concerts, sports, the sea and nature as a whole. I never sit still; I’m always busy working on new ideas.”

How did you come to start your own line of products?

“Three years ago I came across a knitting machine at a flea market and was immediately fascinated by the concept. After looking into it some more, I bought a Brothers knitting machine. The first products I made on it were hats. And then, while researching how to make a pretty button with my own logo on it, I found out about wood lasering, which led to the Lucky You jewelry collection. Meanwhile, I designed and produced quite a few products. The combination of a hobby that’s growing naturally and a job that I enjoy suits me very well. At Marjorie Knit I can do whatever I want, no one else has a say in the matter. I only get positive reactions, I’m meeting nice people through it and I’m making people happy with my products.”

Do you have any dreams or plans for your brand?

“I would like to design a luxury line. My latest collection “Happy” is a first step in that direction: The necklace and bracelet are made of bronze and packaged in a box with my own silk screen print on it. I also want to keep creating and growing. I hope to take my business abroad too!”