
“‘One-off accessories’ that accentuate the character of the wearer.” That’s how Ioana Weber describes her products, which you’ll find in her Etsy shop, Redstitchlab.

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Can you tell us a bit more about yourself?
I’m from Argentina, and have been living in the Netherlands for more than twenty years. I studied interior design at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, and am married with two children. I worked for several large architectural firms, before setting up my own company with my husband. Occasionally, I also freelance as an interior designer. I love to keep busy designing and making things, and Etsy is a great platform for me to show and sell my products to a wider audience. 

Why do you make what you do?
I really like that my products are wearable or that they can be used in the home. I sometimes make clothes for myself, but that’s just to have something to do. But you never know…!

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What does creativity mean to you?
Everything. A great deal. I couldn’t do without it and it’s been in me since childhood. If I’m working on a commission, I listen carefully to my clients and I think of something that suits them. I really like that. With the stuff I make myself, I am in charge, which is lovely and very liberating. But it can also be difficult and challenging, because you have to really focus and remember to still enjoy it when you’re in the midst of it.