
With their product range sisters Daniëlle and Karlijn want to show that nice Scandinavian design needn’t cost the earth.


What else do you do?
“We both have fulltime jobs in financial services, Daniëlle is a specialist and Karlijn is a human resource advisor. Størblends is basically a hobby that got out of hand. We were inspired by travels in Scandinavia, where we still get lots of wonderful inspiration for new brands. Luckily, managing a web shop is something we can easily combine with our other work. The idea to start Størblends had been on the backburner for a while, but at the end of 2012 we decided to make our plans concrete. We opened the web shop in 2013. We had a very clear idea about our product range and we built and designed the website ourselves because we thought it would be a cool challenge.”

What have you learned from running a web shop so far?
“Primarily that it’s even more fun than we had thought in advance. It takes up a lot of time, but it also gives us a lot of energy, thinking up new ideas, finding new products and being creative. The most important thing is to keep believing in your own products and making sure you always stand out from the crowd.”

What are your dreams for the future of your site?
“We hope to keep expanding our range with fun products and designers. We mostly want to stay innovative and keep surprising people. Perhaps there will be some ‘Størblends orginals’ in the future. For now we have plenty of inspiration and ideas to make Størblends the best web shop in the Netherlands!”