The gripping world of chick-lits

Sometimes one of the most enjoyable things to do is curling up with a chick-lit. Caroline O’Donghue pulls you further into that gripping world with her podcast ‘Sentimental Garbage‘.

‘Sentimental Garbage’ is a book podcast hosted by author and journalist Caroline O’Donoghue that aims to boost the maligned reputation of chick-lit. O’Donoghue chats with female authors, fans and cultural critics about their favorite chick-lit classic, which leads to broader (not to mention funny) discussions about what makes chick-lit tick and why it’s so often overlooked. It’s a gripping tale of women’s writing, feminism, book snobbery, outrageous plots, culture differences and more.

  • Find more recommendations for things to do in issue 36.
  • Listen to Sentimental Garbage here.

Text Julia Gorodecky Photography Mat Reding