3 ways for self-reflection

Stopping and taking the time for a bit of self-reflection can bring you some lovely insights. But how do you do it? Here are three ways.

 It helps to choose a way that best suits you. Do you prefer to talk but often find yourself in a crowd? Perhaps then you can confide in a friend during a meaningful conversation. Do you prefer to write? Then a diary is a good option. And if you find it difficult to get the right words on paper, but prefer to keep things to yourself, then a silent walk is also a good idea.

Talk to a good friend

Choose someone in your trusted environment for an in-depth conversation. A friend, for example, or a family member. By talking but also by listening to someone else’s story, you can properly reflect on your own behavior, feelings and emotions. There are even conversation cards available that help you get the conversation started and ask more in-depth questions.

Write it down

This can be done in a diary, digitally or in a book that has reflection prompts for you to answer. A diary can be a nice option because you are more aware of the words you put on paper. Digital is handy because you always have it with you (for example in your smartphone). And a book with set questions can be useful if you don’t know exactly what you want to put on paper.

Walk in silence

Self-reflection doesn’t have to be done with conversation or pen and paper; it can also be done just as well at a time when you have no distractions. For example, during a silent walk or yoga session. You can also take a silent walk with other people—it’s just mainly about having the peace and space to be able to think more deeply.

* How do you take better care of yourself? Find out here .

Text Bente van de Wouw, translation Julia Gorodecky

Photography Tyler Nix / Unsplash.com