Astrid & Irene are coming to New York

Astrid & Irene

Astrid & Irene, the founders and creative directors of Flow Magazine, will be in New York, US, from May 29 until June 2.

While there, they will be visiting Workman Publishing to work on some new books and will be doing interviews with, among others, The Wall Street Journal and House Beautiful. We will do signings for the new book 50 Ways to Draw Your Beautiful Ordinary Life on Wednesday, May 30, starting at 2:00pm at @rizzolibookstore and later that afternoon we will do a signing at @kinokuniyausa Bookstore. At Thursday you will find us at the @bookexpo. Here, Astrid tells us a bit about the book.

How did the book come about?
Even though we aren’t that good at it, we both love to draw. It’s such a peaceful and calming activity, and it’s also really nice to be able to create something. You can learn how to draw by copying a great deal and by seeing what others do. And copying is certainly something we can do. That’s why we thought it would be fun to make a book full of ‘How Tos’ by illustrators from all around the world.

What is so nice about this book?
That it enables everyone to draw. You can get to work straight away in the book, and by following the step-by-step instructions you can draw a cat, a teacup, a garden chair, and so on. When deciding on what to include, we opted for everyday things, things that you find around you, in your own home or on the street. Plus, there are a lot of lovely paper goodies in it of course! Things like tracing paper, a mini sketchbook, a fold-out house, and more.

What is it like to work with illustrators from all over the world?
Illustrators are hard-working, cheerful, inspiring, humorous, talented and incredibly nice people. It’s always so lovely to email or Facetime with someone in Japan, or New Zealand, or Malaysia, to talk about a project and then, after a while, have something beautiful arrive in your Inbox. One of the great things about our work is that we can take a trip around the world in a day simply from behind our desk.

  • Astrid & Irene will keep you posted on Instagram (Stories) and Facebook about their visit to The Big Apple.

Illustration Amy Blackwell