Astrid & Irene: small changes

small changes

If you’ve been paying any attention to us in recent years, you will know we don’t exactly lead glitzy, glamorous lives. That doesn’t mean we don’t feel a little pang of jealousy now and then at those who do, though. We’re sometimes envious of the kind of people who can say, ‘Let’s get in the car right now and drive to Paris’. Or those who casually throw a party for 300 friends. Or people who never say, ‘I have to get up early tomorrow’, but just go out all night without worrying about how they’ll manage the next day.

We’d kind of like to emulate the way they live their lives, but you know what? Things are what they are, and we’re just not like that. And somehow, in a way, we find beauty in the way we are. Because enjoying what you have, being happy and able to appreciate an ordinary kind of week or an average Sunday can give a person a deep sense of satisfaction.

In short, we’re more about small gestures and tiny tweaks than rigorous makeovers and extreme change. This edition of Flow acknowledges some 
of these small changes. Because we were in the mood for a little remodeling, and because we’re celebrating the magazine’s tenth anniversary this year. We want Flow to express even more vividly what it is: A magazine that celebrates slowing down, life’s little pleasures and making choices. 
And making small changes can often lead to great things.

We’re delighted with our beautiful new cover and the new fonts inside. We’ve also shaken up the sections a little, and given them new names: ‘Time’, ‘People’ and ‘Mind’. And we’ve added a new one—‘Pictures’—which we’re really happy with. This section doesn’t rely on words, but on beautiful images, photography and illustrations instead. Because we believe that pictures do something to you. In our new series ‘The Correspondent’, Dutch foreign correspondents reveal something about the country they live in by telling us the stories they haven’t shared before. And these are just a few of the new things you’ll find inside Issue 27.

We are also very proud of our Flow Mini Course that will come in the form of a large workbook accompanying several issues of Flow in the coming year. Each workbook has a theme of its own, so when you have them all, you’ll have a nice collection of life lessons to hand.
It’s been a beautiful and exhilarating decade and we’re delighted you’ve joined us on this amazing journey. Thank you.

Photography Danique van Kesteren