Captivating bookstores around the world #1

captivating bookstores

It’s no secret we love reading. But we also love everything that comes with it: the smell of old books, exchanging recommendations with our friends and colleagues, and wandering around in bookstores for hours. Therefore, we’ve made a list of the most wonderful, quirky and captivating bookstores all around the world.

On Instagram, we asked you to name your favorite bookstore, and in the coming weeks we will share all of your suggestions in a blog series here on our website. The best bookstores around the world according to Flow readers, for Flow readers.

El Ateneo Grand Splendid – Buenos Aires, Argentina

Let’s start with a bang: El Ateneo Grand Splendid is definitely one of the most beautiful bookstores you’ll ever lay eyes on (see the photo above). We don’t quite know what the best thing about this place is: all the golden decorations, the impressive theater, or the rows and rows of books.

Typewronger – Edinburgh, Scotland

This charming little bookstore is not only known for selling books, but also for selling a large selection of typewriters. The retro armchairs and hand-picked selection of books by the owner will make you want to hang around longer than you should.

captivating bookstores

Daunt Books – London, UK

This traditional bookstore will take you back in time with its beautiful wooden galleries and natural light falling through the skylights. The staff is always friendly and has a ton of knowledge about books, so if you feel overwhelmed by the store’s enormous selection you can always ask the staff for some recommendations.

Hemingways Bookshop – Hermanus, South Africa

With its winding passages and many treasures to discover, you’ll have to take your time in this bookstore. There are loys of comfortable armchairs placed around the store in which you can quietly sit and read.

Le Café Plùm – Lautrec, France

The only thing that’s better than a bookstore, is a bookstore that serves coffee. This charming place in France has it all: a café, a large selection of books to read and buy, and a stage where you can enjoy live music, debates and other events on a regular basis.

Photography Jason Higuita/ (opening image), Ugur Akdemir/