Podcast tip: Terrible, Thanks for Asking

Terrible, thanks for asking

When someone asks us how things are going, we often say: “Yeah fine, thanks.” Even when things are not going well at all. American author Nora McInerny does the opposite. Terrible, Thanks for Asking is her wonderfully honest podcast that breaks through mental health taboos.

McInerny asks people to share their honest story: sometimes sad, sometimes funny, often a bit of both. Every episode has its own subject, and in the first episode it’s McInerny’s own story.

At the age of 31 she had a house, a good job, a husband and a son. But then her life changed completely in the space of six weeks: she suffered a miscarriage and then lost her father (to lymph node cancer) and her husband Aaron (to a brain tumor). Two years later she had a child with another man, but remained sad about losing Aaron forever. Even though she wouldn’t want it any other way.

Episode 19 is about losing a best friend and in episode 15, Chelsea talks about perpetual dating and how exhausting it can sometimes be.

Text Bente van de Wouw Fotografie Mael Balland/Unsplash.com