Ride. Read. Discuss Podcast with Flow’s Irene


Flow’s Irene was invited to talk about Flow on Ride. Read. Discuss, a podcast hosted by the creators of Books on the Subway. In it, she talks about mindfulness, the birth of Flow, her love for paper and more.

The British Hollie Fraser had only one goal: to get more people reading. Therefore she started distributing books in the London underground in 2012.  The American Rosy Kehdie followed her example in New York, and they are currently running the intiative ‘Books on the Subway’ together. The idea is that people can take the books home, read them and (re)share them by putting them back on the subway when they are done. Starting back in 2012 in London, UK, this fun initiative has since been adopted around the world, with more than 20 ‘branches’ across 14 countries.

Rosy and Hollie’s podcast Ride. Read. Discuss. focuses on books and authors, but there are also special stories from the city of New York. The two book lovers invited Irene to talk about Flow and the books we have made with the US publisher, Workman Publishing. The result? A lovely, cozy chat, which you can listen in on via their website, iTunes and Spotify.