Hsinping Pan

Have you seen the designs Hsinping Pan made for our latest Book for Paper Lovers? The illustrator and animator from Taiwan has created some fancy paper ornaments for our blog: Disco Santas that you can cut out and use to give your home, table or whatever you want an extra festive kick.

Hsinping Pan is an illustrator and animator based in Taiwan. She works worldwide and makes illustrations for children’s books, stationery and posters. She also creates animation for commercials and for fun.

What is typical about your style?
“I think my style is playful, colorful and imaginative. A typical Hsinping Pan-illustration features bright colors and fun characters. I also love geometric shapes, and really like to add a face on the objects.”

Can you tell us a little more about the designs you made for the Book for Paper Lovers?
“I am a big fan of Flow Magazine. And I was so excited to have the chance to collaborate on the book. I made three patterns for the Book for Paper Lovers. It’s like a garden with flowers blooming, and each one comes with different animals.”

Do you have certain habits while working/designing?
“Coffee is a must! When I am in the process of making sketches and thinking, I like to work in a coffee shop. Somehow the atmosphere and the sound of people talking in coffee shops keeps me focused. When I start the coloring process, I stay in my studio and listen to music, a podcast or a TV show.”

What would you like to achieve with your work?
“People often tell me they feel happy when they see my drawings, and that’s exactly what I hope to achieve when creating my work. I always want to make something beautiful and tell a little story; if people feel connected to my work, that makes me happy.”

What are up to right now?
“I’m working on some illustrations for a children’s book at the moment, which is a very exciting project! And I just illustrated a letterpress calendar. 2018 is the Year of the Dog, so I created a little character named ‘Candy Dog’, and designed all kinds of sweets to go with him for the next twelve months.”

How important is your work to you?
“Very. Drawing is a way to express and entertain myself. So, when I don’t have any commissioned projects, I work on my own projects, because drawing is so much fun. I get up around 9:00 a.m., sometimes exercise a bit and then head to my studio to do some e-mails in the morning and focus on drawing in the afternoon. At night, I like to watch Netflix, read or work on my own illustration project. But in busy times, I work all day.”

  • See more of Hsinping’s work via her website.
  • The Flow Book for Paper Lovers 5 is available in shops worldwide and in our web shop.

Disco Santas by Hsinping Pan to print and cut out.