Dave Hakkens

In this film, designer Dave Hakkens shows us the house he temporarily lived in with his girlfriend Lieke (illustrator Liekeland).

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It’s so funny and inspiring to see how they created such a lovely place with such simple solutions. The pair is currently traveling through Asia, experiencing a new adventure in which they are “happily homeless.”

“We were born in the Western world and have always lived there, but sometimes we wonder whether we are living life the smart way,” says Dave. “Everyone works hard, spends so much time on their computers, has fun at the weekends, and buys lots of stuff. We’re particularly curious about other cultures, other ways of life; to see how else life can be. And we want to discover where we feel comfortable. Which is why we’ve broadened our perspective on travel.”

Dave Hakkens is a designer who works primarily on projects that tackle global issues such as excess electronic waste or plastic that is polluting the planet. He also makes fascinating movies about these issues, which you can view via his website.