Animator and illustrator Hsinping Pan

Hsinping Pan

Hsinping Pan works as an illustrator and animator and lives in Taipei, Taiwan, with her husband. We asked her about her work and her little pleasures in life.

Can you describe life as an illustrator in Taiwan?
“Living in 
Taipei is great. There are a lot of cool exhibitions to go to and that gives me a lot of inspiration. The city is pretty close to the ocean and the mountains, so when I want to take a break, it doesn’t take me long to be in nature.”

What projects are you working 
on now?
“A children’s book written by Susan and James Patterson. It is about animals, and I have learned so many new things about animals during this project. I love children’s books. One day I hope to be able to write my own story and illustrate it. Also, I am working on some greeting cards for Lagom Design.

Can you describe the best thing about your work?
“I love that I can 
tell a story with my illustrations and animations. It enables me to create 
my own world and share it with other people. It is so much fun to play with colors, characters in illustrations, and with motion and time in animations. It makes me very happy if my work can bring a smile to people who see it.”

What are your little pleasures in life?
“Lately, I’ve been making bread from scratch. I like mixing all the ingredients, observing how the dough rises, and I find the kneading process very soothing. And I can’t help but stare at the oven while the bread is baking. It is a very fulfilling thing to do. When I have a day off, I also like to go to the movies, read a book, go hiking, see some exhibitions and hang out with friends and family.”

Interview Jeannette Jonker Photography Hsinping Pan