Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington created an online news empire when she launched The Huffington Post, and landed on the list of the world’s most influential women in media. In 2008, however, she went through a serious burnout after which she discovered how to live a more balanced life. In our Issue 11 she tells us more about her past, present and future.

An excerpt from the interview: “These days, I get eight hours of sleep, 95 percent of the time. It helps having a specific time at night when I regularly turn off my devices and gently escort them out of the bedroom. The times when I don’t get that much sleep, I have a nap in my office, as I have a couch and that way I don’t occupy the nap rooms at The Huffington Post, which are always in high demand.” You can read the interview in Issue 11 (this issue is still available in our web shop).

In the video below Arianna Huffington shares her thoughts about the importance of sleep.

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