Brie Harrison’s day in illustrations

In the back of every issue, an artist shows us what her or his average day looks like in illustrations. In Issue 20, that’s Brie Harrison (37).

British illustrator Brie Harrison moved from London to the Suffolk countryside about a year ago, and her new home has five times more space for her ever-expanding collection of books and materials. “When I’m working, I like to listen to the radio: Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4 or a TED Talk podcast,” Brie says. “I’ve always loved swimming, even as a child. In London I used to swim in the outdoor baths in Hackney, and here in Suffolk there is also a nice bathing pool.

I prefer to go in the mornings, three to five times a week, and swim laps for thirty minutes. It’s a great way to wake up and it keeps me focused the rest of the day. I love to eat porridge with cinnamon, berries, nuts and seeds. Sometimes I dream about having another job: I’d start a breakfast café. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and I also love preparing things in the peace and quiet. I see that as my morning ritual.

Text Caroline Buijs Illustrations Brie Harrison