Caroline Ellerbeck

The cheerful blackbird featured in the nature tidbit of Flow Weekly 13 was drawn by Caroline Ellerbeck, an illustrator whose work can often be found in Flow. Here, Caroline explains how to get started on drawing such a bird.

“Drawing animals is fun because each creature is different, and you need to research its appearance. With the blackbird, for instance, I first look for good photos and pictures of one. I examine how the bird looks and then I start sketching with a pencil until the form is just right. Once I’m satisfied, I transfer the drawing to the computer.”

Always colorful
Caroline describes her work as fresh, colorful and cheerful. She allows herself to be inspired by anything and everything. “Quite often, a good idea will pop into my head when I can’t sleep or when I’m on my way somewhere. I don’t wait for inspiration when it comes to drawing. Sometimes I just start and then discover how to continue as I’m drawing. I’ve enjoyed drawing my whole life; in fact, not a day goes by that I’m not drawing something or other.”

Free and happy
“The thing I like most about my work is the freedom. I’m really happy every day. Which is why it doesn’t feel like work, but more like a way of life to me. I also never resent doing an assignment. Sometimes I get asked to do a project that doesn’t suit me, and when that happens, I simply don’t take it on. I know what suits me and what I feel enthusiasm for.” Caroline draws in her studio, at home. “Where the wall is covered in pictures, and the cupboards are overflowing with books and beautiful things. At the moment, I’m working on two new Dolly books, one with vehicles for boys and one about drawing while on vacation.”

Below: On vacation with Dolly; Drawing with Dolly