Coffee with Tammy

American writer and photographer Tammy Strobel visited the Netherlands recently, and we took that opportunity to meet up with her for a chat, some coffee and mutual appreciation of the views from an Amsterdam café terrace.

You may already know about Tammy and her wooden house on wheels via her book, You Can Buy Happiness (and It’s Cheap), which is about living a simpler life in a tiny house. The fact that she is on vacation in the Netherlands is in part thanks to Flow as she discovered more about the country through our magazine, and many of her readers and followers come from the Netherlands.

After living in a tiny house for four years, Tammy and her husband went on to live in a small apartment in Yreka, California, US. “I longed for a bath, and now we live a little less remotely,” she says. In addition to her work as a writer, Tammy likes to go out for a daily walk in nature or to visit a nearby village or towna topic she has also written about. Called Everyday Adventures—a tiny quest to spark your creative life, this book is a sort of guide and diary rolled into one.

Tammy starts her days very early. She gets up around 4 a.m. or 5 a.m., drinks some coffee, and takes a picture of her ‘morning view’. This photo project began almost five years ago as a tribute to her deceased stepfather, but now it’s a habit she can’t do without.

Instagram Favorites
Tammy finds the contacts she makes through her blog and Instagram account incredibly nice and inspiring. Her favorite accounts on Instagram are: