Congratulations Marenthe

Illustrator Marenthe Otten recently won the Lilla Rogers Studio Global Talent Search, and we are rather proud of that as we regularly feature Marenthe’s illustrations in Flow, and will be using her work on the cover of the next issue of Dutch Flow (8-2016).

Out of the thousands of submissions received, only fifty participants were placed on the shortlist, of which six were selected as finalists. During that time, project after project had to be submitted: from a cover for a dessert cookbook to a illustration of a teacup.

By winning the contest, Marenthe bags herself a contract with Lilla Rogers Studio, a prestigious illustration-agency in the US that has clients all around the world and represents only the best illustrators.

So what did Marenthe think of participating in the Talent Search? “It was exciting, nerve-wracking and fantastic.” And, she says, far from easy. “Sometimes I lay awake at night thinking: ‘What have I done?’ The competition was huge, there is so much talent all around the world.”

Even though she has already visited the Lilla Rogers Studio head office in Boston, she still cannot believe it. “When I heard I had won, I burst into tears. The following days were like a rollercoaster. Your whole world is turned upside down. I’m still walking on cloud nine.”

If you’d like to see Marenthe’s work, visit her website or that of Lilla Rogers.

Illustration Marenthe Otten for Global Talent Search Lilla Rogers Studio