Corrie Beth Hogg

Corrie Beth Hogg is a designer and artist from Brooklyn, United States. Lately, she has been making paper plants. In Issue 15 she tells us more about her work. 

How did you come up with this idea?
I started making paper plants because I really wanted a fiddle leaf fig tree in our living room. They typically require lots of light and tender love and care, and our living room is quite dark. So I made a fiddle leaf fig tree out of paper mâché, wood dowels and paper. It did the trick and was such fun to make. Since then, it has been a treat to discover what else I can make.

Can you tell us a little about how you make them?
I spend a lot of time looking at images online. I often make several single leaf samples, trying out different paper, shapes or paint. When I land on something I think most closely resembles the living version, I complete the plant. I try to give it some personality by making it lean toward the light. I don’t sell my plants; I encourage people to follow my tutorials if they’d like to make their own and I dream of making a DIY book on crafting paper plants.

  • You can find more of the interview in Issue 15, which is available in our shop.
  • Do you want to see more DIY projects of Corrie Beth Hogg? Take a look at her blog.

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