Doodling with Mitkrearum

Denmark-based Susanne Randers is the woman behind the blog and Instagram account Mitkrearum (Danish for “my creative space”). For Flow Weekly #19 (Dutch only), she created a coloring page, and in the movie here you see how she made it.

Can you tell a little bit about yourself?

I’m Susanne Randers, a Danish paper lover, dreamer and doodler. It is my mission to be creative and to inspire others through my blog and Instagram account.

Tell us about your doodling.

As of May 2014, I have doodled a little every day. It’s a kind of five-minute meditation for me, just letting my ink pen dance across the paper. Doodling every day has really improved my hand-eye coordination, and as a result I can draw pretty much anything now.

We keep seeing Flow Weekly’s posted on your Instagram account…

Even though I’m Danish and I can’t read what’s in them, I almost always have a Flow Weekly with me in my bag to draw in and to jot down my thoughts when I’m out and about. They symbolize the last two years for me, as I changed a lot in my life to get back in touch with my creativity. There are still a lot of flowers and patterns inside of me, waiting to come out.

What are you working on now?

I’m currently busy making a coloring book for adults. It’s my dream to make a living from my work as a graphic designer and illustrator. But until that time, I’m working as an activity coordinator and in a museum shop in my hometown Køge, which is 40 km from Copenhagen.

What do you do with paper?

I “am” paper. When I look around my studio, I see stacks and boxes full of the stuff—new and recycled. I make ”Doodle and Dream Notebooks” using just paper, a needle and thread. I make collages, mixed media paintings, silk prints, and I draw and color endlessly on any type of paper. What’s more, I also have a passion for creating mood boards, for embroidery, yarn bombing, making stamps and sending snail mail. But that’s another story…

(Video by Claus Preis :