Emily Isabella

We’ve brought all of our favorite illustrations, designs and photos from the past eight years of Flow into one book: Flow Book of Posters & Cards. And we’ve asked some of the illustrators featured in the book to talk with us on our blog. Here, Emily Isabella – the illustrator who created the foldable calendar – tells us what she’s up to.

“For the calendar, I tried to create illustrations that would appeal to everybody, no matter where they are or what time of the year it is for them. It was really nice to come up with something that is neutral, yet engaging.”

What are you up to at the moment?
“I spent the whole summer working hard, but I’ve been able to slow down a bit lately and enjoy the last weeks of summer. My husband and I have just bought a piece of land where we are building a studio in which we can live and work. So as soon as I’m free, I help him with the building work and odd jobs, and after a long hot day we jump into the water to cool off.”

Do you have any exciting projects or plans in the near future?
“Yes, next month I have a solo art show at the Brunette Wine Bar. I always enjoy working on personal projects, because the work I create for myself often draws in new clients and inspires future collaborations. In October, I’m going to France with my mother. She’s also an artist and we spend a week sketching and painting together.” 

Taking time out
“On an average work day, I usually wake up around 6.45 a.m. and do some stretches. I make myself some coffee and listen to the news on the radio. I’ll switch to music and get started with my work. I’m pretty focused when I’m working, but I do try to take short breaks. On a good day, I’ll remember to eat a little lunch ad take a quick walk outside.

If you’d like to learn more about Emily Isabella and see more of her work, check out her website.

The Flow Book of Posters & Cards – featuring illustrations by Emily Isabella – is now available from our web shop and from stores worldwide.