Flora Waycott

Illustrator Flora Waycott tells us a little more about herself and her work.

Can you tell us something about yourself?
I am a freelance illustrator currently based in Wellington, New Zealand. My father is English and my mother is Japanese and when I was six years old we moved to live in Japan for five years. This experience really cemented the fact that I wanted to be an artist and I am always curious to learn about new cultures and have new experiences. We moved back to England where I finished school and went to university, then a few years ago I came to live in New Zealand. I love to take inspiration from travel and my different backgrounds, as well as seeking things to draw close to where I live.

How would you describe your work?
My work is delicate, charming and has a playful quality to it. I love playing with color and choosing color palettes—sometimes with unexpected results! I use a lot of elements of nature in my work and try to create work that is sophisticated but sweet at the same time.

What do you like to draw the most?
Plants and flowers—I love the abundance of shapes and details that are out there. Secondly I love to draw anything kitchen related—teapots, bowls, cups, kitchen utensils… I spend a long time in kitchenware stores just looking at everything and I also like hunting for one-off, vintage finds.

Where do you work and what does your workspace look like?
I work from home in our spare room, but I also like to spread my work out on the living room table as the light is good in there. My desk is nice and long, so I have lots of room for my computer, my favorite books, and lots and lots of pens. I have some lovely paper items and stationery from Japan, and on the wall in front of me are pictures of plants, some work by my favorite artists and family photos.

  • To see more about Flora and her work, visit her website.