Lieke van der Vorst (3/4)

From her home in Helmond, which she shares with Dave and Lino the cat, Lieke van der Vorst makes the prettiest illustrations for the Liekeland label. On this spot she’ll let us have a peek at how she works and lives.

My last blog post already! Even though I don’t have a lot of experience in writing texts, I did really enjoy sharing my inspiration and my images with you. In this last post you can read about the projects I’m working on currently. One of them is making big felted animals.

I make the animals from unprocessed wool from Dutch sheep, kept in a field near Apeldoorn. And the clothes they wear are from charity shops, the pretty sweater above is from Nikki Wagemaker ( Hendrik-Jan was the first in the series, I showed him during Dutch Design Week!

Last week Dave and I prepared our garden for a new season of fruit and vegetables. We also planted a nectarine tree and our cuttings are starting to bud. Next to illustrating and making mugs and felted animals I also try to spend as much time as I can in our wonderful garden.

Thanks for reading this blog and thank you Flow for letting me be this month’s guest blogger!

Love, Lieke