Guest blog 3 Pavinee aka Merryday

Pavinee Sripaisal – aka MerryDay – from Bangkok draws colorful and cheerful illustrations every day. This month she tells Flow about the workshops she gives.

The idea of doing a workshop had been on my mind for some time but I didn’t have enough confidence to put it into action thinking that I would do it when I was ready. That was before the beginning of my ‘draw everyday’ project. The 30-minute drawing before bedtime doesn’t allow me to linger much. My job is to show up, draw and post something on my Facebook Page. It doesn’t matter if it’s ugly or beautiful, perfect or imperfect, the idea is to ‘just do it’. I find that the concept helps me move forward and I can complete many other projects I have meant to do for years within only a few months.

So, when an opportunity of doing a workshop knocked on my door, I readily opened it even though I had no idea what I would do yet. Fortunately, I had enough time to organize my thoughts, plan and prepare materials. Focus was another thing I learned from the drawing project and it helped me go through the busy time. Since this would be my very first workshop, I was nervous, slightly unsure but the confidence I had gained helped me stand up and ready for what might come.

The workshop turned out wonderful. We did do-it-yourself pop-up cards based on my merry drawings. I was a bit worried as the process needed some cutting and there were little kids in the class who were not familiar with such equipment. One of the kids got cut in her finger but she wouldn’t let me help and continued on her own until finish. This taught me a lesson about how children were eager to learn new things and didn’t mind getting hurt here or there. They were ready to fall, get up and run again. Being in a creative journey where fears sometimes are obstacles, having such adventurous kid mind may help.

I was so happy to see the participants enjoyed doing their own versions of MerryDay cards. One of them told me later that she went back home and made another card with her kid using my guide from the workshop. That really made my day and I felt so glad that I was not too afraid to do this project from the beginning.

The workshop doubles my confidence. I have done what seemed impossible to me in the past. Now I’m looking ahead, ready to try new things and selling my art in an art fair is my next move.