HappyMakersBlog (5/5)

Handwritten by Minna May

About my plans

It’s already my last guest blog. When I started, I thought I might find it difficult to fill five blogs, but nothing could be further from the truth. Seriously, I could go on for weeks. Anyway, I hope you liked them and, through them, you enjoyed getting to know about me. This last blog is about my new plans.

My personal HappyMakers. You’ll find several of these on Pinterest.

 A golden opportunity!
A “creative sabbatical” truly is a golden opportunity. I feel so free every day I’m at work, and I would wish this upon everyone. It’s true: freedom gives you so much in return. The great thing about such a year is that you have the space and time to really carry out your plans and ideas. And that sets something in motion… I’ve no idea where it will end up, but I think it’s wonderful, delightful and unpredictable.

Illustration by Fumi Koike

My plans
I work as an art director for various creative projects; both off- and online. And as an entrepreneur, I focus on creative content, concepts and curation. My favorite thing at the moment is when I’m working full-time on my HappyMakersBlog, together with a bunch of wonderfully enthusiastic people. I want to expand the blog further as a platform. In addition to that, I’m available for hire as a freelancer for commercial (creative) tasks. I see HappyMakersBlog as a creative “nest” from which several projects are launched; not only for myself but also (and more preferably) for, and with, others.

Stay Curious – Black and White Prins by Alexa Z design

On- and offline art direction
As an art director, I’m used to translating a brief into a creative and commercial concept; whether it’s online or offline. But what would I like to do and make?

  • Art direction for stationery and DIY.
  • Design the right look and feel for a brand, (web) stores and their magazines.
  • Set up a blog and other social media for a brand and / or (web) shop. This could be in combination with offline concepts such as, for example, a Paper Atelier. All that is required to effectively deliver a message to a wider audience.
  • And for love … I would love to create content and art direction for creative books and magazines. I used to do that for 101Woonideeën. I would dive into the topic, create and produce the content, and start looking online.

In short, I want to be a spider in the (online) web where I can convert my creativity and contacts into something tangible. Exciting challenges that I’ve a great deal of enthusiasm for!

photo: Ashley Ann photography

Writing this series of blogs has also been very good for me, personally. They made me take time out to look back and to take stock of, and write down, my plans. I still have eight months of my creative sabbatical to go, and I’m very curious about what’s in store for me. I’ll keep you posted via HappyMakersBlog.com. One thing I can already tell you 😉 In May, I’m the guest blogger and pinner for ‘De wereld van Snor’.