Kirsten Vanderplanken

In each issue of Flow Magazine, we ask three creative people: What are you up to? In Issue 18, one of them is Kirsten Vanderplanken, a blogger, plant collector and researcher who lives in Antwerp.

What is it about plants that inspires you?
I find plants very relaxing. My job as a researcher can be overwhelming at times. I am working on my PhD, which is focused on agri-food networks. But when I am at home and tending to my plants I really feel at peace. You can see them grow, you can take cuttings, plant them and see how they grow roots and leaves. It’s such a good respite. Doing stuff with my hands helps me to clear my mind.

How did your love for plants grow?
When I moved in with my boyfriend, we had an apartment with big windows. It was a very suitable and lovely place for plants. I started to collect them and wanted to know more about where they came from and what they need to grow. I commute a great deal for my work, so I have a lot of time to research the care that plants need. I discovered lots of interesting blogs about this topic, and I came across lovely people on Instagram, who all share a love for plants. Some of them I have met in person to exchange plants and knowledge.

Text Jeannette Jonker